Shopify tags, the productivity feature Shopify offers to help manage online stores efficiently. Tags help organize every sort of content in online stores. Although no one is obliged to use them, working without them is a waste of time, and the bigger your store, the more time you’ll waste without using Shopify tags.
Only website admins understand the amount of work it takes to manage an online store successfully. Whether it’s updating prices, applying discounts, or uploading new collections every season. Managing different content is difficult and takes lots of concentration. It doesn’t stop at managing products but goes further beyond that to include managing blog posts, tracking transfers, and classifying customers based on various KPIs.
This article will introduce you to Shopify tags’ basics and why you should start using them to scale up your performance at your online store and achieve better results in terms of sales and customer outreach.
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To hide products from collection filters you should:
Log in as a Shopify admin
Go to Online Store and then Themes
Click on “Customize theme” then “Collection page”
Uncheck the "Enable tag sorting" field