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How To Delete Tags On Shopify

Abhishek Agrawal
By Abhishek A Agrawal
March 8, 2022
Table of Contents

    Shopify tags, the productivity feature Shopify offers to help manage online stores efficiently. Tags help organize every sort of content in online stores. Although no one is obliged to use them, working without them is a waste of time, and the bigger your store, the more time you’ll waste without using Shopify tags.

    Only website admins understand the amount of work it takes to manage an online store successfully. Whether it’s updating prices, applying discounts, or uploading new collections every season. Managing different content is difficult and takes lots of concentration. It doesn’t stop at managing products but goes further beyond that to include managing blog posts, tracking transfers, and classifying customers based on various KPIs.

    This article will introduce you to Shopify tags’ basics and why you should start using them to scale up your performance at your online store and achieve better results in terms of sales and customer outreach.

    What are tags used for in Shopify?

    Shopify tags allow online store managers to classify products based on hidden categories that customers will not see. As you add products to your store, you can tag them with numerous tags and later filter the products depending on these tags.

    Let’s break the ice with a practical example. When you upload one hundred products for the winter collection at the beginning of the season, you can tag them all as ‘Winter2022,’ and when the winter is about to end, you may want to offer a discount for everything remaining from that collection. You don’t need to check the products one by one.

    All you need is to filter the products page to get the ‘Winter2022’ products, and then you can apply a bulk action to all of them, like a discount, for example, or even hiding them totally from the store. The decision is up to you, and Shopify tags made it easier for you to group all these products in one group in an effortless way.

    You can also use multiple tags simultaneously to group your products in different categories and enable advanced filtering in the future. For instance, adding the tags ‘hats’ and ‘scarfs’ to the ‘Winter2022’ to identify hats and shorts within the collection. Later your filters will be more specific, and the results will match your expectations. You can filter the products tagged with ‘Winter2022’ and ‘scarves’ and ‘men,’ and you will get them immediately.

    The exciting thing about tags is how wide they can be applied in Shopify. Not just products but lots of other content can also be tagged. For instance:

    • Transfers 

    • Blogs 

    • Order drafts 

    • Even customers. 

    Imagine how beneficial it would be to tag customers based on their buying capacity or geographical location. You can then filter customers and apply bulk actions to them. For instance, you can tag customers with ‘VIP’ and ‘Medium Buyer’ or even ‘Opt Out.’ Later use the filters to group them as per your plan.

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    How to delete tags on Shopify?

    Deleting tags can be done easily. You have to open the specific page in Shopify. For instance, the products page or the blog posts page. Once you’re ready, you can simply remove the tag by clicking on the ‘X’ symbol next to it, and it will remove the tag immediately, which only applies to the product itself. Furthermore, removing tags can be done in bulk, saving time for online store admins.

    To summarize the process of removing tags:

    1. Open a specific subject’s page

    2. Click on the ‘X’ symbol

    Removing a product tag doesn’t affect the product itself and has nothing to do with its existence on your online store, but there might be consequences. For example, you could be using Shopify tags to set the products that would show on your offers page. Like showing only the products tagged with ‘Offer.’ In this case, when you remove the ‘Offer’ tag from a product, the product will disappear from that offers page. However, it still exists in your database, and your inventory hasn’t changed.

    How to add new tags on Shopify?

    You can add tags for blog posts, customers, transfers, and draft orders. Let’s stop here for a while and think how brilliant it is to give admins the ability to tag all these subjects in addition to products. For instance, tagging blog posts can be beneficial for online stores with lots of articles on their blog. You can tag blog posts based on their purpose, topic, year, and even the content writer. Since the customer will never see all these details. You can manipulate it however you want. Assuming you want to review the articles written by a specific content writer in a particular year about a single topic. You have to filter the blog posts for these three tags, and the results will pop up.

    To summarize the process of adding tags:

    1. Open a specific subject’s page

    2. On the tag section, add the tag you want

    3. It could be an old one, or a new one

    4. Shopify will create the new one automatically

    5. Click on save

    You might be wondering now about the number of tags you can use for each product, the limit Shopify sets is 250 different tags per product, blog post, customer, transfer, and draft order. Although you might not use all 250 tags, some online stores are enormous, with thousands of products and other subjects, and they need such a massive amount of tags to manage their store efficiently.

    How to add, update or delete Shopify product tags in bulk?

    Shopify enables adding, removing, and updating tags in bulk. It saves lots of time, especially if your online store is full of products and you don’t want to waste your time updating their tags one by one. It’s another productivity feature Shopify offers to ease the online store management process.

    To add or remove tags in bulk you have to:

    1. Open the products page on Shopify

    2. Select the products you want

    3. Click on ‘Remove Tags’ 

    4. Select the tags you want to remove

    5. Click ‘Save’ to finalize the process. 

    Again, you should always keep in mind that removing tags could affect your store and how products are showing on different pages, so it’s advised to think ahead and plan all the way to the end before you start editing tags.

    To summarize the process of removing tags in bulk:

    1. Open the subjects page
    2. Mark all the items you want
    3. Click on remove tags
    4. Select the tags you want to remove
    5. Click on save

    The simplicity of Shopify tags is noticeable. You can add tags similarly to removing them. Mark several products, then click on ‘Add tags.’ Add your preferred tags, and click on ‘Save.’

     To add tags in bulk you should:

    1. Open the subjects page
    2. Mark all the items you want
    3. Click on add tags
    4. Add the tags you want
    5. Click on save

    Everything we describe above applies to products and every subject tagged in Shopify. Including blog posts, customers, transfers, and draft orders.

    Obviously, Shopify tags were created to make managing online stores more user-friendly and enable every interested store owner to benefit from its various advantages.

    What types of tags are there?

    When using Shopify tags, there are no specific types. It means you have the flexibility to tag the subjects with total freedom based on your own criteria. Shopify tags are used as identifiers to group items together and not affect them by any other means. For instance, if you have an online textile business, you can tag your products based on: 

    • Color

    • Manufacture

    • Length

    • Width, and

    • Year. 

    Meanwhile, if you have a mobile phone online business, you can tag your products based on:

    • Brand

    • Model

    • Color

    • Features

    • Release dates

    • Software, and much more. 

    The flexibility of Shopify tags is everything an admin has ever dreamed of.

    FAQs about Shopify tags

    How do I remove tags from the filter drop-down?

    To remove tags from the filter drop-down, you have to click on ‘Products’, filter to get your products, then use the little white square to choose “Select 50+ products in Store”, click on ‘Actions,’ then ‘Remove Tags’, insert the tags, and click ‘Apply Changes.’

    How do I hide product tags from collection filters?

    To hide products from collection filters you should:

    • Log in as a Shopify admin

    • Go to Online Store and then Themes

    • Click on “Customize theme” then “Collection page”

    • Uncheck the "Enable tag sorting" field

    Abhishek Agrawal
    Author - Abhishek A Agrawal
    Abhishek is the founder of Integrately, CompanyHub, and Dreamwares. He is passionate about technology and entrepreneurship. He is always looking to leverage technology for the growth of the business. He has a deep understanding of how businesses work and uses this knowledge to build products that help entrepreneurs grow their businesses.

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