Millions Of Fully Ready 1 Click Automations. Add Yours To Your Website & App.
Embed the widget in your app in 2 minutes & help your users integrate your app with other apps in 1 click.

Customers Find It Difficult To Use Integration Apps? Give Them
1 Click Integrations With Zero Learning Curve
Simplify your user's life by directly giving them the automations they are looking for. All they have to do is connect and activate.
Improve customer adoption and satisfaction by providing them fully ready integrations with their favorite apps.
Present users with the most popular ready-to-use workflows in the most contextual places within your product.
Seamlessly embed the widget and display Integrately flows in your app, blogs or landing page. One small snippet and get the widget live anywhere on your website.
Create Your Own Custom Embed
Configure your widget then simply copy-paste our code in your app
SaaS Provider? Pre-select your app from here
Your users will only see your automations. They can select other apps to
find ready automation within your app and other app
Copy below code and paste it where you want to show
your app integration templates in your webpage.
You can also create an empty div with id "integrately-embed" and place it where ever you want to embed.
Example : <div id="integrately-embed"></div>