How to integrate your apps in 1 click?

Integrately makes it really easy to integrate your apps.

  1. Select the apps to integrate
  2. Integrately shows you various popular automations
  3. Select your automation.
  4. Integrately creates the automation for you. Even mapping.
  5. Just test it and make it live!

Isn't that awesome?

Let's do this step by step.

  1. Click on explore & automate
  2. Select the apps you want to integrate
  3. Integrately will automatically bring to you a list of ready automations for the two selected apps. No need to waste time in creating automation. Just browse through the list and look for the ones that you need.
  4. Click on the automation you are looking for. And ta-da! Your integration is ready to be used.

Just 1 click! That's all it took to integrate the two apps.

If you have found the integration you were looking for, skip the next section & jump to the next step of setting up connection between Integrately and the chosen apps. However, if you couldn't find what you were looking for, see the next section to learn how to make your own integration in a few easy steps

What if I don't see my automation in 1 click integrations?

Not necessary you will find all the automations readily available. Sometimes you may have a particular requirement, other than the popular ones.

custom integration

For example, you want to create an automation where-in if a contact has subscribed to an email sequence in ConvertKit, a deal is automatically created in CompanyHub.

To create this automation, you need to follow 2 easy steps:

  1. First, we need to select the relevant “when” condition. To do so, browse through the drop down list in “when this happens” and select the required condition.

    select trigger
  2. Next you need to select the “then” condition. This can be done by browsing through the drop down menu in “Do this” and selecting the relevant outcome

    select action
  3. Now that you have selected the when and then of your integration, you are good to go. Just click on the “Go” button and your integration is ready.

Add Accounts

Connect your apps in Integrately so we can sync them. Click on 'Add Connection' to connect your apps in Integrately

add connection

If you have already connected your apps with Integrately, just select from the list.

add connection

Follow the instructions or process to connect your accounts. In most cases, you will find a step-by-step video or set of instructions to connect your account with Integrately.

Field Mapping

In the simplest form, Integrately takes data from your source app and gives to your destination app.

But the field in both apps will probably be different. For each field in the destination app, you can select the corresponding field of source app.

We call this as Field Mapping.

In most cases, we try to smartly create mapping on our own.

But if you want, you can map additional fields. Or, edit the default mapping as per your requirements.

Follow these steps to map fields or make any changes to the existing mapping -

  1. Click on the field you want to map in the destination app
  2. There are 3 ways to map a field:
    • You can select the field from the source app that you want to sync with this particular field, or
    • You can also select from the fields in the ‘Fixed’ section, which will display a pre-defined list to pick from, depending on the field to be mapped, or
    • You can also manually set the value of the field and click ‘Enter’

You can also set fixed value for a field

Or modify the data before passing to to destination app

Test & go live

Once the mapping is complete, you will need to ‘test’ your automation. To check whether it is giving the desired result or not.

How to check your automation?

Click on the ‘Test and Go live’ button. Now Integrately will pull the sample form you see while activating the automation, and send it to the destination app to produce the desired record. If it is successful in doing so, Integrately will notify you about the successful implementation of the automation.

You can now check the destination app for the newly created record

However, sometimes it may happen that your automation will be activated successfully, but you may not see any records getting created in the destination app. In that case, Integrately will notify the occurrence of an error. You then need to revisit your field mapping and make the required changes.

For additional satisfaction:

Despite seeing the test record being created, sometimes you may feel the need to test the automation yourself. In that case, you can create a record in the source app for the desired ‘when’ condition yourself.

Then you need to wait for a few minutes for it to reflect in the destination app. Once you can see a new record is created in the destination app, you can be rest assured that your automation is fully functional now.

Managing your automations

Integrately lets you sort and organize your automations.

After setting up the automation, Integrately lets you choose the folder you want the automation to be stored in. You simply need to select from the drop down menu.

Integrately even lets you -

  • Add new folders,
  • Change the default folder, or
  • Rename a folder to suit your requirements

If you want to sort and organize your automations in different folders, you simply need to follow 3 steps.

  1. Select the automation
  2. Click the ‘Move to’ button.
  3. Select the desired folder from the drop down list.

It's that easy!

However, if you wish to delete a particular folder, you first need to move all its automations to another folder before deleting it. You cannot delete a folder if it has any automation stored in it.

What is the Webhook/API App used for?

If you wish to integrate an application with Integrately, which is not currently supported by us, you may use the Webhook/API app. You can use it to -

  • Send data to any application
  • Receive data from any application

Where can I find Webhook/API app in Integrately?

You can find the Webhook/API app in the list of applications, while selecting the apps you wish to integrate.

How to use the Webhook/API App

You will first need to ensure that the application you wish to integrate with Integrately has the API documentation publicly available to users.

1. Webhook/API app as the trigger app

When you are trying to receive data in Integrately from an unsupported application, you need to use the Webhook/API app as the trigger app.

To connect Integrately with your application, you need to follow the instructions given -

Please watch the below video for your reference:

2. Webhook/API app as the action app

When you wish to send data from Integrately to an unsupported application, you need to use the Webhook/API app.

You need to read the API documentation carefully so as to understand which action is to be used for the desired result.

The Webhook/API app supports the following actions:

  1. POST data

    This creates or updates the data or record.

  2. GET data

    This searches or reads the data or records.

  3. PUT data

    This updates the data or records.

  4. DELETE data

    This soft deletes/deletes the data or records.

  5. PATCH data

    This partially updates the data or records.

    Please refer to the the below video to understand how to use the Webhook/API app to use the POST, GET, PUT or DELETE actions:

  6. Advanced Request

    When you have complex data or arrays in body, you can use Advanced Request.

Sample data for body in Advanced Request

Please refer to the the below video to understand how to use the Webhook/API app for the Advanced request action:

Modify data

Sometimes you want a different format for the data in your destination app. Meaning, you want to change the format of your output app as opposed to the source app.

Integrately gives you this freedom. It lets you change the format of your input data be it text, numbers or date. You can even add formulas to a field. All this in just a few clicks while mapping the fields. No need to use any other app.

Where to find Modify data?

When you click on a field for mapping values, you will be able to see a ‘Modify Data’ button at the top of the pop-up window in purple colour.

Integrately provides several Modifiers to support your requirements:

  1. Date/Time
  2. Number
  3. String (Text)
  4. Utility

Let's understand the different modifiers:

Handling Date formats

  1. Shift Date

    Suppose you want to set the follow up date for a lead as 5 days from the date of creation of the lead. So in that case, you need to use this modifier.

  2. Change Date Time from one format to another

    Suppose your source app shows date in dd/mm/yyyy format and you want the destination app to show date in dd-mmm-yy format. So you apply the above modifier to the relevant date field(s).

  3. Change date time to specified format

    Many times, the app accepts the date only in a particular format. For example, your destination app Google Calendar, which accepts the date in only this format - yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss So, here you need to use the above modifier.

    If you want to write the ‘Name’ of the month, rather than the number, you can use the date format:

    dd MMM yyyy --> 27 Mar 2018

    And when you wish to include the ‘Day’ in the date, you can use the following date format:

    ddd dd MMM yyyy --> Tue 27 Mar 2018

  4. Current Time (When Automation is executed)

    Suppose your automation says - when a subscriber is added to your marketing automation, create a deal in your CRM.

    Now, you want the record in CRM to show the time of creation of the record to be the time of execution of the automation in your time zone.

    In other words, if you want the output to be something like this -

    In that case, you need to use the below modifier -

  5. Current Time & Timezone (When Automation is executed)

    Suppose your automation says - when a subscriber is added to your marketing automation, create a deal in your CRM.

    Now, you want the record in CRM to show the time of creation of the record to be the time of execution of the automation in your time zone. Additionally, you want the timezone to be displayed.

    In other words, if you want the output to be something like this -

    In that case, you need to use the below modifier -

  6. Change date from one timezone to another

    The timezone of any 2 apps exchanging data may or may not be in different timezones. Hence, to avoid confusion, every app treats the received timezone to be UTC.

    So, what happens is that the destination app treats the incoming time to be in UTC and then converts this time into the timezone selected by you. As a result, if your destination app timezone is UTC +5.3 hrs, the resultant time shown in the destination app will be UTC+11 hrs.

    So for example, your trigger app, say CompanyHub, is in UTC+5.30 timezone. And you want to pass the date to your trigger app, say ClickUp. So, in order to handle this, you need to use the following modifier -

  7. Convert Date Time to Unix format

    Suppose your destination app accepts date and time in UNIX format only (which will be mentioned alongside the DATE field in the app. Then you need to use this modifier.

  8. Convert Unix Time to Normal Date Time

    Suppose your source app, say ClickUp, sends the date in a format like this - 1593978425 (UNIX). But your destination app needs the date to be in normal format. In that case, you need to use this modifier.

Handling Text formats

  1. Limit length of text

    If you want to limit the number of characters visible in the data being passed from the source app, you can use this modifier. You can specify the number of characters you wish to see and also if you would like to see ‘..’ at the end, or not. For example, you don’t wish to show the complete email address of your contacts in the google sheet you share with others.

  2. Remove extra whitespaces

    If you want to remove space(s) between words in your data, you can use this modifier to remove them. You have options to choose from if you wish to remove the spaces from all the places or just specified positions. For example, the file name should be the same as the contact, but without the spaces.

  3. Replace one text with another

    This modifier can be used if you want to replace an incoming word with a different one while passing that data to the next application. For example, if you want the ‘valid’ result of your email verification to be passed on as ‘success’, when sending to the next application.

  4. Change to lower case

    This modifier can be used when you want all the alphabets in the data to be in lower case.

  5. Change to upper case

    This modifier can be used when you want all the alphabets in the data to be in capital.

  6. Change from Technical to human readable

    Suppose your source app saves the Company Id as ‘emilia_peels_montogmery’. But you want to see the filename as ‘emilia peels montgomery’ in the destination app. So you apply the above modifier to the relevant field(s).

  7. Change to title case

    This modifier can be used when you want to capitalize the first alphabet of each word. For example, the ‘title’ of your social media post.

  8. Change to camel case

    This modifier can be used when you want the first alphabet of each word to be in lower case. For example, when creating a ‘username’.

  9. Extract text till a particular character

    Suppose you want to map a field but with only partial text from the incoming data. Say till a particular character, like '@'. In that case you need to apply this modifier. You just need to specify the particular character that Integrately should look for in the data.

  10. Extract text after a particular character

    Suppose you want to map a field but with only partial text from the incoming data. Say after a particular character, like ‘@’. In that case you need to apply this modifier. You just need to specify the particular character that Integrately should look for in the data. You may or may not include that character in the extraction.

  11. Extract text after a particular text

    Suppose you want to map data that comes along with the field name from the source. But you only need the value from the field. In that case, you can use this modifier and mention the field name along with any other character, if any present, as the ‘text’ part in this modifier.

    For example,

    In the below example you will mention the ‘Text’ = ‘Name:’

  12. Extract text after a particular character till a particular character

    Suppose you want to map a field but with only partial text from the incoming data. Say between 2 characters, like ‘@’ and ‘.’ In that case you need to apply this modifier. You just need to specify the starting and ending characters that Integrately should look for in the data.

  13. Extract text after a particular text till a particular text

    Suppose you want to map a field but the incoming data has multiple values like a string of values. In that case you need to apply this modifier. You just need to specify the particular words and/or combination of word and symbol that Integrately should look for in the data.

  14. Pick value from a list

    Suppose you want to map a field but the incoming data has multiple values like an array of values. In that case you need to apply this modifier. You just need to specify the ‘separator’ that distinguishes the values in the array and the ‘position of the value’ you want to extract.

  15. Set value if field is blank

    Suppose a field may sometimes be blank in the incoming data. But the destination field is a ‘required’ field and can’t be left blank. In that case, you can use this modifier.

    For example, some applications require a ‘last name’, but sometimes the incoming data may or may not have value in the field. In that case, the record cannot be created in the destination application. In that case, you can set a ‘default value’ for that field using this modifier, so as to avoid problems with processing the record.

    As a result, whenever the incoming field has no value in the ‘last name’, the record will still be processed and ‘1’ will appear in the field that says ‘ last name’ in the destination application.

    You can also set another field to be used as ‘Default value if the field is blank’ in case you want to trigger your automation based on availability of 2 fields. So in the absence of value in the 1st field, the value from the 2nd field will be used.

Handling Number formats

  1. Calculate fields

    Suppose you want to auto calculate the billing amount for the product(s) in the invoice. So, what you can do is just select the product quantity field while modifying data and state the formula.

  2. Round off the number

    Suppose you received the value in the format 21.2364, but you want to round off the number to the closest number. Then you need to use this modifier. This modifier gives you 3 options for rounding off. You can choose the 1 you want.

  3. Round off to decimal

    Suppose you received the value in the format 21.2364, but you want to round off the number to 2 decimal places. Then you need to use this modifier.

  4. Convert to Absolute value

    Suppose you received data in the format -11, but you want to send it to the destination app as on 11. Then you need to use this modifier.

  5. Currency conversions

    Suppose you have customers from across the globe. But you want a single currency to be used for billing purposes, let's say GBP.

  6. Formatting number according to currency

    Suppose you receive the amount in the format 10000 and you want to convert it Indian format 10,000.

    So you need to use the modifier -> Format number according to country
    For Culture you can use -> en-IN

  7. Formatting currency according to country

    Suppose you wish to add the currency symbol before the amount, say rupee symbol before the amount 10000

    So you need to use the modifier -> Format currency according to country
    For Culture you can use -> en-IN


    You can use Google to find the Culture code for any country. For helping you understand what a particular culture codes looks like, you can refer to the the document shared on the below link -

    Below is a glimpse of some of the currencies shared in the sheet -

    You can use Google to find the Culture code for any country

    Country Code:

    You can use the below shared Google Sheet link to find the Country code for any country -

    Below is a glimpse of some of the country codes shared in the sheet -

    You can modify any no. of fields in a single go. No need to go to every field individually and do the entire process again and again. Just do all of them at once.

    *Unless you are using the same field for applying different modifiers

Adding Multiple Modifiers

Suppose you want to use 2 modifiers before using it for mapping in the destination app. So, for this, we have added a separate app called ‘Data Modifier’.

For example, first you want to format the number as per Indian number system and then add the Rupee symbol to it.

In that case, you will need to add this before the destination app like this -

And the process would be as follows -

Editing the Modifiers

Sometimes after validating the modifier, you may feel that you don’t want to modify the data. In that case,

  1. If you have used modifier just once, simply click on ‘Don’t Modify Data’

  2. If you have used multiple modifiers, just cancel the unwanted modifier(s) and click ‘Validate & save’

Customizing your automation (Adding conditions/multiple apps)

Integrately lets you customize your automation to suit your requirements. For starters, you can rename your automation.

Furthermore, you can customize your automation to include more than 2 apps, or execute automation based on filters and even add ‘if-else’ conditions to handle different scenarios in a single automation.

To set-up the additions, you need to follow the below steps:

  1. Click on the ‘Modify Conditions and Actions’ button. It will switch from ‘test’ view to ‘flow’ view.

  2. Sometimes you may want to make additions somewhere in-between the automation and sometimes at the end of the automation. So you need to click on the ‘Add Condition/App’ button accordingly.

    • If you want to add at the end of the automation, hover on the ‘Add Condition/App’ button at the bottom and click on the relevant option.

    • If you want to make additions somewhere in-between the automation, hover on the app after which you want to make the addition. Then hover on the ‘Add Condition/App’ button and click the relevant option.

    Now the biggest question is, what is this relevant action?

  3. To add app(s): click on ‘Do something’

    Click here to learn more on how to add multiple apps to the automation.

  4. To create filter(s): click on ‘Check condition after this’

    Click here to learn more about filters.

  5. To add branching ( IF .. THEN …. ELSE .. kind of scenarios):

    • To set the ‘if’ condition, follow the same steps as creating ‘filter’

    • To set the ‘else’ condition, choose from the options in ‘if this condition is satisfied’ or click on ‘Else do something’

    • You can also add more branches to your ‘if - else’ condition. To do so, just add more filter(s) or app(s)

      Click here to learn more about branching.

Connect 3+ apps in an Automation

Sometimes you want to add more than 2 apps in the automation.

For example, you want to create an automation where

  • When a subscriber is added to a list in MailChimp

    • Create a deal in CompanyHub, and

    • Create a proposal in Better Proposal

To begin with, you need to select MailChimp and any 1 of the remaining apps. You can then add the last app depending on its location in the automation.

Your automation will be saved automatically. Now you need to ‘add connection’ for all your latest app additions to the automation and do the field mapping, before you ‘Test and Go live’.

Using data of different apps:

When you are using more than 2 apps in the automation, you can map fields for an app from any of the preceding apps in the automation.

For example, you want to create an automation where

  • When a subscriber is added to a list in MailChimp

  • Then create a deal in CompanyHub, and

  • Then create a proposal in Better Proposal

In that case,

  • for CompanyHub, you can map fields from MailChimp;

  • for Better Proposal, you can map fields from either MailChimp or CompanyHub or both.

Filter records

In some cases, you want to continue with the automation only if certain conditions are met. Like execute only if the deal stage is Won. So you can add a condition step. This condition can be placed anywhere in the automation.

Let’s use an example to understand this better. Suppose you want to create an automation where:

When a deal is updated in CompanyHub:

  • If deal stage is updated to won
    • Create a customer in QuickBooks Online

So once you have set the filter in CompanyHub, unless the updated deal stage contains the words ‘won’, the customer will not be created in QuickBooks Online.

Let’s look at the different kinds of filters and their implications -

  1. Exactly Matches

    This means that the next step will only be executed if the ‘Value’ of the field will be exactly as mentioned in the filter.

    For eg, if you have the following filter applied on a field from the trigger -

    exactly matches

    Then, if your incoming field value for the currency field says GBP, it won’t meet the filter condition. And hence, the filter won’t be triggered.

  2. Does not exactly match

    This means that the next step will only be executed if the ‘Value’ of the field is not the same as the value mentioned in the filter.

    For eg, if you have the following filter applied on a field from the trigger -

    does not exactly match

    Then, if your incoming field value for the currency field says USD, it won’t meet the filter condition. And hence, the filter won’t be triggered.

    However, if it says GBP, the trigger will be fired and the automation will be executed.

  3. Exists

    This means that the next step will only be executed if the ‘specified field’ contains a ‘value’

    For eg, if you have a ‘search contact using email’ step and then you applied the following filter on the ID field from the ‘search step’ -


    Then, the next action will only be executed if the ‘ID’ in the search step is found .i.e the particular email address exists in that app in which the search was performed.

  4. Does not exists

    This means that the next step will only be executed if the ‘specified field’ does not contain any ‘value’

    For eg, if you have a ‘search contact using email’ step and then you applied the following filter on the ID field from the ‘search step’ -

    does not exist

    Then, the next action will only be executed if the ‘ID’ in the search step is NOT found .i.e the particular email address does not exist in that app in which the search was performed.

  5. Contains

    This means that the next step will only be executed if the ‘specified field’ contains a ‘particular value’

    For eg, if you have the following filter applied on a field from the trigger -


    Then, the automation will be executed only if the ‘address’ field contains the words ‘new york’, irrespective of uppercase or lower case.

  6. Does not contain

    This means that the next step will only be executed if the ‘specified field’ does not contain a ‘particular value’

    For eg, if you have the following filter applied on a field from the trigger -

    does not contain

    Then, the automation will only be executed if the ‘comments’ field does not contain the words ‘not satisfied’, irrespective of uppercase or lower case.

  7. Starts with

    This means that the next step will only be executed if the ‘value’ of the specified field starts with a ‘particular value’.

    For eg, if you have the following filter applied on a field from the form (trigger) -

    starts with

    Then, the automation will be executed only if the ‘answer’ of the particular question starts with ‘yes’, irrespective of uppercase or lower case.

  8. Does not start with

    This means that the next step will only be executed if the ‘value’ of the specified field does NOT start with a ‘particular value’.

    For eg, if you have the following filter applied on a field from the form (trigger) -

    does not start with

    Then, the automation will be executed only if the ‘answer’ of the particular question does NOT start with ‘no’, irrespective of uppercase or lower case.

  9. Greater than

    This means that the next step will only be executed if the ‘numeric value’ of the specified field is greater than the ‘specified value’.

    For eg, if you have the following filter applied on a field for Quantity -

    greater than

    Then, the automation will be executed only if the ‘quantity’ > 4.

  10. Less than

    This means that the next step will only be executed if the ‘numeric value’ of the specified field is less than the ‘specified value’.

    For eg, if you have the following filter applied on a field for Quantity -

    less than

    Then, the automation will be executed only if the ‘quantity’ < 10.

  11. Ends with

    This means that the next step will only be executed if the ‘value’ of the specified field ends with a ‘particular value’.

    For eg, if you have applied a filter on the ‘time’ field of a scheduling app, such that only if the time is in ‘am’, will it be assigned to ‘X’ person -

    ends with

    Then, only when the ‘field value’ of the time will show ‘am’, will this automation be executed.

  12. Does not end with

    This means that the next step will only be executed if the ‘value’ of the specified field does NOT end with a ‘particular value’.

    For eg, if you have applied a filter on the ‘time’ field of a scheduling app, such that only if the time is NOT in ‘am’, will it be assigned to ‘X’ person

    does not end with

    Then, only when the ‘field value’ of the time will NOT show ‘am’, will this automation be executed.


Branching can be described as creating ‘If.. Else’ strings for an automation. Like defining various scenarios for the same automation.

Let’s say you want to create an automation where:

When a deal is updated in CompanyHub:

  • If deal stage is updated to proposal

    • Create a task in Todoist
  • Else

    • If deal stage is updated to won

      • Create a proposal in Nusii

    • Else

      • Create a subscriber in MailerLite

Create automations within a single app

You can create integrations not only with other apps, but also within the same app. It would be like automating a process within the app.

To put it in simple words, when step 1 takes place, it would lead to step 2, forming an automated process thereby.

Steps to create the automation

  1. Choose the same app twice instead of two different apps
  2. Select the ‘when’ and ‘then’ conditions
  3. Map fields, if required
  4. Add account
  5. Modify conditions and actions, if required
  6. Test and Go live
What is a scheduler?

Scheduler, as the name suggests, is an application that schedules tasks or processes to run at a specific time or interval or when a certain condition is met.

It helps you automate the execution of tasks or processes like running scripts, sending emails, performing backups, etc.

How to set up the Scheduler?

It is very simple to set up the Scheduler!

Let us understand with the help of an example:

Imagine you are a Manager who needs to conduct a review meeting on the 30th of each month. You could schedule this process to -

  • Run on the 30th of every month,
  • Create a meeting in Google Meet, and
  • Send an email, using Gmail, about the same to the required members, etc

All this by simply using the Scheduler app

Steps to set up this workflow:

Step 1: Select 'Scheduler' as your trigger app

Step 2: Select the other App for integration

  1. Select the Trigger
  2. Select the Action (in this case, Google Meet)
  3. Click on the Go button

Step 3

Select the frequency (i.e., the interval at which your task or process is to be executed). In our case, we will set it to a month as we must execute the task on the 30th of each month.

Click on the Continue button.

Next, you can either

  • Use the Sample Record, or
  • Opt for creating a new one and check again

Step 4

Connect your Google Meet account. (You can add a new account or use an existing one)

Step 5

To add further steps/branching/apps to your automation, switch to Automation Builder by clicking the Add/Modify button.

Step 6

Set the fields for Scheduler

Step 7

Set the fields for the Google Meet App. You can set the start and end times of your meeting using the UTC time. You can also adjust them by using the shift date Modifier.

Step 8

Add the next App and map the fields. In this case, it was Gmail app (to send an email).

To do so:

Click on the Add/Condition/App button

  1. Select Add Another App

  2. Select the Gmail app and Send Email action

  3. Connect the Gmail App

    Click on the Add Connection button (You can add a new connection or use an existing one).

  4. Map the fields from the 2nd step (In this case, Google Meet)

    Click on the Done! Let’s Test It button.

    Now, Test each step and make your automation Live by clickling the Test and Turn ON button!

    That’s it! Schedule once and rent-free your mind of mundane tasks and processes.

    The automation will run on the intended time and you can check it in the History..

    Once the automation runs, the emails will be sent to the corresponding members.

What is Delay?

Delay is a tool to postpone your intended action for a specified period.

In other words, Delay allows you to space out your automated processes so that they execute when you need them to.

You can use Delay in several ways, like:

  • Sending a follow-up email to a new lead after 24 hours
  • Adding a lead to a CRM after 72 hours
  • Creating a task after 14 days
  • Posting a tweet after 1 hour
  • Creating a ticket after 2 days, and much more.

Integrately provides 3 types of Delay options:

Type 1) Wait till the date-time specified in a field:

In this type, the system uses the date and time fields from your app to delay the task. It's useful when you always have the date and time available in a field, like an invoice date or order date.

For instance, if you have columns for date and time in your Google Worksheet, go ahead with this type of Delay.

For this Delay, you need to set "Date time field" and "Time Zone" in the automation builder.

The UTC timezone is set by default, however, you can change it to any desired timezone.

Type 2) Wait till the date-time specified in a field + additional time:

This is similar to the previous type, except that you can specify an additional time to further delay the task. For instance, if you want to fire a feedback email 2 days after the delivery date, this is the type you should choose.

For this Delay, you need to set the "Date time field" and "Time Zone", then specify the "Additional delay" as shown below. You can specify the "additional Delay" in weeks, days, hours, and even minutes. Furthermore, you can also add a Negative Delay. Keep reading further to know more.

When to use a Negative Delay

If you want to trigger a task before the date and time specified in a field, use a Negative Delay. The duration of delay can be set to negative by prefixing the "-" (minus) sign with the number. For example, to give your team a reminder 30 minutes prior to the planned meeting time, specify -30 in the "Minutes" section. Your team will automatically receive the reminder 30 minutes before the specified time in the app field.

Type 3) Fixed delay after the automation is executed:

In this type, you can directly input the time of delay in weeks, days, hours, or minutes. For example, if your Google Sheet doesn’t contain timing details and you want to fire an email 24 hours after every new Sheet entry, opt for this one.

You need to specify the delay time for your task in the automation builder as shown below. You can also set multiple time fields, like 1 week, 3 days, 2 hours, and 30 minutes.

How to set up Delay in the automation workflow

To automate workflows using Delay, perform these 3 simple steps:

Step 1: Choose your apps

The first step is to choose the apps you want to use with Delay. For this example, we will use Google Sheets as a trigger to perform an action in Gmail. To start with, add the apps to your automation in the format: "Trigger App (Google Sheets) + Delay + Destination App (Gmail)"

Step 2: Set up your automation using Delay

To set up your automation,

  • Select the desired trigger (For example, a Google Sheets trigger)
  • Choose the Delay type and input time details

  • Select the desired action (For example, an Action in Gmail)
  • Test and Activate your automation

Step 3: Check the automation History

Once your automation is live, head over to the "History" tab to check whether it is working as intended.

The green tick symbol denotes a successful execution of the intended action after the specified time has passed, while the glass hour symbol indicates the delay is still ongoing.

The action will automatically perform after the stipulated time. Following its execution, a Green tick symbol will appear along all the automation stages as shown below.

What is a Loop / Iterator?

An Iterator or loop is a computer program that repeats certain instructions in a systematic manner until the desired condition is met.

For example, a loop could be used to read through a list of items and print out each item one by one in your desired sequence.

Iterator/ Loop is usually used with big chunks of data such as arrays and lists. They can also be used with other types of objects, such as files or directories.

How to use a Loop / Iterator?

Iterator/ Loop is simple to set up!

Let’s understand how to set up the Iterator / Loop with the help of an example -

You own an online store and you want each and every customer purchase order to be recorded from Zoho Books to Airtable.

Now, you can copy-paste each of the line items for the purchase order manually;


You can just set up an iterator that will pull each and every purchase order from your Zoho Books account and create a systematic record in Airtable.

For ref, this is the incoming data from Zoho Books:

Let’s see how to set up the iterator/loop here:

  • Connect your applications

  • Select your Trigger and Action

  • Login to your Accounts and switch to the 'Automation Builder'.

  • Right below the trigger (Zoho Books), you can see the option to - add a filter / condition / app. Click here and select the Iterator option.

  • Now select ‘Line Items’ from the incoming record from Zoho Books and click on ‘Test’

  • Next, add the Airtable app as a sub-step to the Iterator

  • Next, map the fields in the Airtable app. However, while doing so, ensure that you use the output generated using the Iterator only* (in this case, Name, Quantity, and Amount).

    *If you map the fields with Zoho Books (Trigger), you won't get the desired output.

  • Once the automation setup is complete, remove step 4 as it falls outside the Iterator’s scope.

  • Lastly, make it Live!!

This is the final output in Airtable:

What is AutoRetry?

When you set up your automations, there are times when the actions fail or get misconfigured . Auto retry proves to be a helping hand in this situation.

It's a feature that automatically triggers a failed action again after a specified interval. This continues until your action gets executed successfully or you resolve the case.

Integrately provides the Autoretry feature for a time period of 10 hours where it tries to execute the failed actions.

Why is AutoRetry useful ?

Auto retry helps you handle situations like :

  1. API issues : Many APIs (application programming interface) fail due to network errors and no fault of the developer building them. Thus, you can make Integrately handle such kinds of scenarios by setting up retry automation.
  2. Service outages : Since the integrations are between cloud services, there might be times when one of the services goes down for some reason. Thus you must have your automations made to make Integrately retry these actions if they fail.
  3. User Input Errors: There will be times when your users will make mistakes while doing certain tasks like filling out forms or uploading files. Having an automation that makes the Integrately retry these failed tasks will help you find invalid input.
  4. Automation setup issues: Even after you have set up the integrations, there might be some issues with them that cause failures. Having retry automation can help solve these kinds of problems.
What is AutoRetry?

When you set up your automations, there are times when the actions fail or get misconfigured . Auto retry proves to be a helping hand in this situation.

It's a feature that automatically triggers a failed action again after a specified interval. This continues until your action gets executed successfully or you resolve the case.

Integrately provides the Autoretry feature for a time period of 10 hours where it tries to execute the failed actions.

Why is AutoRetry useful ?

Auto retry helps you handle situations like :

  1. API issues : Many APIs (application programming interface) fail due to network errors and no fault of the developer building them. Thus, you can make Integrately handle such kinds of scenarios by setting up retry automation.
  2. Service outages : Since the integrations are between cloud services, there might be times when one of the services goes down for some reason. Thus you must have your automations made to make Integrately retry these actions if they fail.
  3. User Input Errors: There will be times when your users will make mistakes while doing certain tasks like filling out forms or uploading files. Having an automation that makes the Integrately retry these failed tasks will help you find invalid input.
  4. Automation setup issues: Even after you have set up the integrations, there might be some issues with them that cause failures. Having retry automation can help solve these kinds of problems.
How does AutoRetry work?

Integrately’s AutoRetry feature works as below:

  • If a step in an automation fails with (rate limiting errors, downtime errors or other transient issues), Integrately will retry the step up to 5 times. While AutoRetry is active:

    • No error emails will be sent.
    • You cannot manually replay the task from history.
    • You can see when the step was last autoretried from history. It is indicated by Last Attempt on field
  • Automation runs that are being autoretried (or scheduled to be autoretried) show up as "Scheduled for AutoRetry" in History.
  • Integrately backs off after each successive failed retry attempt on this schedule: 5 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 3 hours, 6 hours. This means that if the automation task errors at 2:00 PM, AutoRetry will try again at 2:05, 2:35, 3:35, 6:35, and 12:35. The back-off schedule implies the final retry happens approximately 10 hours, 35 minutes after the first error.
  • If you edit your automation after the original error occurs, any future AutoRetry attempts will consider those changes. This gives you the chance to update your automation to help with preventable errors. All types of errors(other than outage, API issues) that occurred in the last 24 hours are autoretried when you enable your automation again after making changes.
  • When AutoRetry attempts to retry a step, it checks the state of the Automation (this is how it considers automation changes). If the automation is off, or if AutoRetry itself has been switched off, the retry attempt will not run and all remaining retry attempts will be canceled.
  • If you turn your Automation off between retries, it won't affect the retry schedule as long as the Automation is turned back on before the next retry attempt.
  • If Integrately cannot successfully retry the automation task after the last attempt (approximately 10 hours later):

    • You'll be sent an email notifying you of the error.
    • This is the only notification about the error Integrately will send if you enable AutoRetry.
Where to find AutoRetry?

You can activate the Auto-retry feature with the following steps:

  1. Click on ‘My Automations’ ,

  2. In the upper right hand corner, click on ‘History’

  3. Inside ‘History’ you will be able to see the ‘AutoRetry’switch. 

  4. Click to toggle AutoRetry switch to turn it on.

Please note that only the owner of the account can enable/disable the ‘AutoRetry’ switch. In case a user enables it, it is enabled for the Company where the user is the owner. Also, it is advisable to keep your ‘AutoRetry’ feature always ON so that you can run your integrations without having to worry about failed actions.

Note : You need a Professional or higher plan to avail the feature of ‘AutoRetry’

How to set up and connect your Whatsapp Business Account with Integrately | Whatsapp Automation

Prerequisite: A phone number never registered with any type of Whatsapp (Personal/Business) or with Meta.

Step 1 : Creating an app in Meta (Facebook) and set up the cloud API in Meta

To do so:

  1. First, login to your Meta (Facebook) account that you want to use for creating your apps.

  2. Next, visit

  3. Click on the ‘My Apps’ button at the top.

  4. Click on the Create App button

    • choose Business
    • click on Next

  5. Next, provide the following details about your business:

    • Display name used for your business
    • Email-id for your communication, app recovery etc
    • Business account (optional) : your Facebook account used for business. In case you don’t have one, it will be created automatically.

    After adding the details 🠞 click on Create app

  6. Enter your Facebook password and click on Submit

  7. Now search for Whatsapp 🠞click on Set up

  8. In the next step, select the Business account that you want to use (in case you don’t have an account, Facebook will automatically create one for you). Click on Continue.

You are now presented with a screen where you can add the phone number.

Step 2: Adding your Phone Number

Scroll down to the bottom and click on the Add Phone Number button.

Note: Use A phone number never registered with any type of Whatsapp (Personal/Business) or with Meta.

Fill up your following business details:

  • An appropriate Display name
  • Your corresponding Timezone
  • Your Business Category
  • A short Business Description
  • Click on the Next button


  • Select your corresponding ISD code
  • Add your Phone number
  • Click on the Next button for verification

You have now configured a phone number for your Whatsapp.

Now that you have created your app and verified the phone number, next you need to configure a URL to receive all the incoming messages for this number.

Step 3: Configuring the Webhook

To do so, follow these steps after logging into Integrately:

  1. Select ‘WhatsApp’

  2. Select the other app you wish to integrate with WhatsApp.

    For example, Google Sheets can be used to save all the incoming messages in WhatsApp. Select the trigger

    • Select the action
    • Click on Go

  3. Click the COPY button to copy the URL

  4. Go to your Meta/Facebook developer account.

    • Go to My Apps

    • Select your app.

    • Select Whatsapp -> Configuration (from the left hand menu)

  5. Next,

    • Click the Edit button in the Webhook section

    • Paste the URL in the Webhook's callback URL section.

    • Enter a token for verification. (You can write anything here - xyz/abc)

    • Click on Verify and Save.

  6. Next,

    • Click on the Manage button

    • Subscribe for messages

  7. Click on Done.Check if received. button. This checks for a test record from WhatsApp.

  8. You are now ready! Head back to Integrately and proceed with setting up your automation.

Special Notes

  1. Message Types : Currently, the following message types are supported by WhatsApp API:

    • Text

    • Audio

    • Video

    • Document

    • Image

    • Contact

    However, it DOES NOT support :

    • Hybrid messages - a text along with image

    • Multimedia messages with more than 1 media files in the message

    Also, the URLs that you use for sharing images/audio/video/document must be publicly downloadable URLs.

  2. Message Templates: Meta (Facebook) provides the following types of message templates Text-based message templates

    • Text-based message templates

    • Media-based message templates

    • Interactive message templates

    Each category has some predefined templates provided by Meta (Facebook). If you use any of these templates, then the message is directly sent to the receiver.

    But in case you want to create your own template and share it then you first need to create one on the Meta (Facebook) platform. To do so, follow these steps:

    • Visit ->

    • Click on Create Message Template button

    • Fill up the following details

      Category: You need to select from the 12 categories available currently

      Name: Template name

      Language: Select the languages that you want for your message

      click the Continue button

    • Next, Set up messages for all the languages

      Click on the Submit button.

      You can add details for the :

      • Header - Title

      • Body - Message to be sent

      • Footer - Gets added at the end of the message

      • Buttons- Used for call to action

      Preview your messages on the right hand side as you fill in the details.

      Once submitted, wait for Facebook’s approval. Post approval, you can start using the template.

      • Sending Templated messages: When you use the Send message from template in WhatsApp Cloud API action, Integrately helps you deliver templated messages to the intended receiver..
      • Sending Custom messages: When you are sending a message using the Send message in WhatsApp Cloud API action, it is a prerequisite that you have received at least one message from the intended receiver. First time recipients will not receive your messages delivered using this action.


  1. Can we use our current WhatsApp number?

    No, you cannot use your current WhatsApp number that is already registered and in use.

  2. Can we send messages to groups?

    No, you cannot send messages to groups. You can only send it to individuals.

How to get ‘Client ID’ and ‘Client Secret’ to connect your Twitter account with Integrately

IMPORTANT: Twitter’s Free Plan only supports posting tweets. All other features require it’s paid plan.

Twitter’s Free PlanTwitter’s Basic Plan ($100/mo)


  • Not supported


  • User tweet is created
  • My tweet is created
  • Tweet is liked
  • Tweet is added in list
  • Tweet is added by mention


  • Create tweet


  • Create tweet
  • Search user by name
  • Add members to the list

A. Create Twitter Developer Account (Don’t worry, no code)

If you already have a developer account, skip this part and jump to B. How to get ‘Client ID’ and ‘Client Secret’

Step 1 : Visit and Signup for the Free or Paid plan.

Step 2 : After signing up, you need to describe your intended use of Twitter's API (in 250 or more characters).

Here are a few examples for your reference:

  • Automate my social media marketing with the help of Twitter API
  • Use ‘Create Tweet’ and ‘Create Tweet with poll’ actions to post tweets
  • Perform desired actions when a tweet is created
  • Use other triggers and actions to streamline my social media management efforts

B. How to get ‘Client ID’ and ‘Client Secret’

After creating a developer account, you will be redirected to the Twitter Developer Portal Dashboard. To get the ‘Client ID’ and ‘Client Secret’ you must follow these simple steps:

Step 1 : Click the App settings ‘⚙️’ icon for your default app as shown below

Step 2 : Click on the ‘Set up’ button under the ‘User authentication settings’

Step 3 : To set up user authentication, select the following

Step 4 : Fill in the following details:

  1. Input ‘’ in the ‘Callback URI / Redirect URL

  2. Enter your Website URL

  3. Input other optional details and click on ‘Save’

Step 5 : Click 'Yes' to proceed with the changes.

Step 6 : Copy the ‘Client ID’ and ‘Client Secret’ and save them for future use. Once you hit ‘Done’, you won’t be able to retrieve them again.

How to set up, connect and use your OpenAI account with Integrately | OpenAI Automation

Prerequisite: OpenAI Account

Note: To connect OpenAI with other applications, you must setup a workflow involving at least 3 applications, with OpenAI acting as a middleman.

First App ➜ to insert input prompts for OpenAI.

OpenAI ➜ to generate a response for your prompt.

Second App ➜ to store/process OpenAI outputs.

Steps to connect your OpenAI account with Integrately:

  1. Login to your Integrately account

  2. Search and select your first app (trigger app)

    For example, let's choose Google Sheets.

  3. Next, you need to search for and select the OpenAI app (App 2)

  4. Now, set up the desired Trigger for your App 1(Google Sheets) and Action for your App 2 (OpenAI)

    In this case:

    Trigger 👉When a Spreadsheet row is created in Google Sheets

    Action 👉 Generate Image in OpenAI

    Thus, when you add a new row in Google Sheets with a prompt such as "Create an image of an elephant", the OpenAI app will generate the image and provide a link to the created image as the output.

    Note: The fields and parameters to be set for OpenAI vary according to the action.

  5. Securely connect your App 1(Google Sheets) account.

  6. Next, map the appropriate fields for App 1. (e.g., select the spreadsheet and worksheet for Google Sheets).

  7. Now, securely connect your OpenAI account

    Get the API key, by following the steps mentioned in this video 👇

  8. Once done,  a popup will appear asking if you want to add more apps/conditions/ branching. Choose `Yes` and proceed to the ‘Automation Builder’.

  9. Map the fields for OpenAI and Test the connection for any errors by clicking on the `Test` button.

  10. Now you have setup OpenAI to generate the required output.  But we need to store/use this output  further. To do so, we must add the next app in this workflow.

  11. Click the `Add filter/condition/app` button and choose the required app (App 3)

    For example, let's choose to post the generated image on a Facebook page.

  12. Select the Action to be taken.

    In this case, the Action will be 👉 Create post

  13. Securely connect your third app account (App 3)

  14. Map the desired fields for App 3. Then click the `Test` button to check if everything works fine. In this case, we have mapped :

    URL field from OpenAI 👉 Link field of Facebook Pages Post

  15. Click the `Done? Let’s Test It` button.

  16. Finally, click the `Test and Continue` button and then toggle the  `Test & Turn ON` switch to make your automation LIVE!

Congratulations. You have successfully set up your automation using OpenAI.

Output in Facebook Pages:

Facing an issue with connecting your account?

If you are facing problem with connecting your accounts with Integrately, there could be several reasons for it:

  • Your subscription plan does not support disclosure of API credentials
  • Incorrect API credentials
  • Changes in password of the app(s)
  • Incorrectly sourcing auto-saved login credentials in API field(s)

You need to resolve any such issue(s) to facilitate connection of your accounts with Integrately.

Facing issues when testing your automation?

If there is some in your automation, you will receive an error notification at the top while testing your automation. In that case, you won’t be able to proceed unless you have fixed the problem.

Now there could be a few reasons for such errors. These include:

  • Compulsory (*) field left unmapped
  • Mapped field is empty at the source
  • The test record does not exist any more
Is your Automation failing?

You have done everything right up till now, but still not able to see the results of the automation? Well, let's look at some of the most popular reasons due to which the automation may be failing:

  • Incorrect mapping of fields
  • Data being sent to app is not in proper format
  • Required field is empty
  • Authentication failed - Need to authenticate again
  • App is down

So how to recognize the error in the automation? For that, you need to check the ‘History’ of your automation. It will show an error message along with the field that caused the error.

For added convenience, Integrately will send you an email for the same stating the issue.

Connecting Your Facebook Account with Integrately: A Step-by-Step Guide

You can link the following types of Facebook accounts using Integrately:

  • Facebook Pages
  • Facebook Groups
  • Facebook Custom Audiences
  • Facebook Lead Ads account
  • Facebook Conversions account
  • Facebook Offline Conversions account

Note: To integrate Facebook Pages or Facebook Groups with Integrately, you must possess Owner or Admin privileges for these accounts.


To connect any of your Facebook Apps with other tools using Integrately, just follow these simple steps:

  1. Login to your Integrately account.
  2. Choose the Facebook app that you wish to connect with another tool. For instance, let's say you pick Facebook Pages.

    Choose the Facebook App that you want to connect
  3. After picking your Facebook app, decide on the second app that you want to connect it with.

    After connecting your requisite Facebook App, choose your secondary app
  4. After choosing both apps, you have two options:
    • Use the ready-made, 1-click automations. OR
    • Create your own custom automation. For this, you need to select a 'Trigger' and an 'Action'
    one click automation
  5. Now, it's time to securely connect your apps with Integrately. To connect your Facebook Account, you'll need to log into the chosen Facebook App Account (Facebook Pages, in our example).

    Facebook Account Page
  6. Enter your Facebook login credentials.

    Facebook Login Page
  7. You will then be prompted to give Integrately permission to access your Facebook App.

    Note: The type of permissions needed will depend on the Facebook App you're linking. For example, Facebook Pages will require 'page' permissions, whereas Facebook Lead Ads will need 'ad account' access.

    Add Account Access
    Integrately Allow To Do
  8. Once you've granted the necessary permissions, your Facebook App will be linked with Integrately and you'll see a success message.

    Linked Integrately to Facebook
  9. Similarly, connect the account for the second app that you want to integrate.
  10. After both of your app accounts are linked with Integrately, you can move forward to set up your automation and map the fields accordingly.

    you can map the fields and make the automation LIVE by clicking on...
  11. Once done, click the `Test & Turn On` button and your automation will be live instantly!
How to set up and track LinkedIn Ad Conversions using Integrately


Running targeted ads on LinkedIn is a powerful way to reach business professionals.

But do you track what happens after someone clicks your ad?

Do they visit your website? Check your features page? Sign up? Submit a form? Register for an event?

You can easily track these conversion actions using Integrately.

But, let’s first understand how tracking conversions benefits your business.

Why do you need to track LinkedIn Ad conversions?

By tracking LinkedIn Ad conversions, you can

  • See which parts of your LinkedIn ad funnel are working and which ones need improvement
  • Focus your budget on ads that are driving real results and adjust your targeting or messaging accordingly
  • Show the right ads to the right audiences
  • Optimize your campaigns for better lead generation and ROI
  • Save time in tracking data or compiling reports manually from multiple platforms

Which Ad conversion events can you track through Integrately?

Integrately helps you send conversions that happen post ad clicks directly to LinkedIn.

You can send conversions to LinkedIn from anywhere,

  1. Your website

  2. Other apps from your funnel including
  • Forms
  • Surveys
  • CRM
  • eCommerce stores
  • Payment processing platforms
  • Accounting platforms, & more

These conversion events include (but are not limited to):

  • Web page views & clicks
  • Signups
  • Form submissions
  • Event registrations
  • Purchases / Subscriptions
  • Downloads, & any other key conversions

Tracking these valuable conversions gives you a clear picture of what's driving results for your business on LinkedIn.

How to send conversion events from website to LinkedIn

Note: Developer help is required to send website conversions to LinkedIn.

You can include a small piece of JavaScript code in Google Tag Manager or directly on the website. And you can start sending website conversions to LinkedIn using webhooks from Integrately. Use this detailed guide for reference.

How to send conversion events from other apps to LinkedIn

Before you start sending conversions, create a ‘Conversion Rule’ in LinkedIn Campaign Manager.

What is a ‘Conversion Rule’?

A ‘Conversion rule’ defines the user behaviors you want to track and attribute to your LinkedIn ad campaigns.

Follow these steps to set up a Conversion Rule in LinkedIn:

  1. Step 1 : Go to your LinkedIn Campaign Manager using the link 👇
  2. Step 2: Expand the ‘Analyze’ section in the left menu bar
  3. Step 3 : Click on ‘Conversion tracking’ under the ‘Analyze’ section

    you can map the fields and make the automation LIVE by clicking on...
  4. Step 4 : Click on ‘Create Conversion’

    you can map the fields and make the automation LIVE by clicking on...
  5. Step 5 : Choose ‘Conversions API or CSV connection’ from the dropdown

    you can map the fields and make the automation LIVE by clicking on...
  6. Step 6 : Select ‘Direct API’ option under the ‘Conversions API integration’ source. Then click on ‘Next Step’

    you can map the fields and make the automation LIVE by clicking on...
  7. Step 7 : Fill out or set the following fields for your Conversion Rule:

    • Name - Choose a clear name for your conversion action, like "Download Whitepaper" or "Free Trial Signup." This helps you identify it easily later.
    • The key conversion behavior you want to track - Select what counts as a conversion.
    • Value of the conversion (Optional) - If you track a monetary conversion, add its value.
    • Timeframe for when you want the ‘Clicks’ and ‘Views’ to be counted
    • Attribution model - For users who convert after viewing multiple ad campaigns, choose whether you want to attribute the conversion to the last campaign viewed or across all viewed campaigns.
    you can map the fields and make the automation LIVE by clicking on...
  8. Step 8 : Associate this rule with all relevant campaigns by selecting them. Then, click on ‘Create’

    you can map the fields and make the automation LIVE by clicking on...

After setting up a ‘Conversion Rule’, create an automation in Integrately to send conversions directly from other apps to LinkedIn.

  1. Step 1 : Head over & log in to Integrately. (

  2. Step 2 : Select LinkedIn Ads & the app you want to track conversions from.

  3. Step 3 : Choose the conversion event you want to track as your trigger & select ‘Send conversion event in LinkedIn Ads’ as action.

    you can map the fields and make the automation LIVE by clicking on...
  4. Step 4 : Follow the prompts to securely connect your LinkedIn Ads and the other app account with Integrately.

    you can map the fields and make the automation LIVE by clicking on...
  5. Step 5 : Map the data captured by your trigger app to the corresponding fields in LinkedIn Ads.

    you can map the fields and make the automation LIVE by clicking on...
  6. Step 6: Test and activate your automation : Once everything's mapped correctly, run a test to ensure data flows smoothly. If the test is successful, activate your automation to start tracking your conversions automatically.

Once you set up the automation, you can view your conversion tracking data directly in your LinkedIn Campaign Manager. This will give you valuable insights into your campaign effectiveness and help you optimize your ad spend.