Mailshake Errors
Troubleshoot and fix errors that appear in your automations
This error occurs in either of the 2 situations -
1. Server is down, OR
2. Temporary network issue.
To resolve this error, try submitting your request again after some time.
This error occurred because your connection has expired.
To resolve this error, you can either -
1. Add a new account, or
2. Reconnect your old account.
In both the cases, you must follow these simple steps -
1. Click on Reconnect
2. Provide your credentials again.
3. Click on 'continue' to allow Integrately permission to access your account.
4. The connection is now re-established with Integrately
This error occurred because your connection has expired.
To resolve this error, you can either -
1. Add a new account, OR
2. Reconnect your old account.
In both the cases, you must follow these simple steps -
1. Click on Reconnect
2. Provide your credentials again.
3. Click on continue
to allow Integrately permission to access your account.
4. The connection is now re-established with Integrately
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