Kylas CRM Errors
Troubleshoot and fix errors that appear in your automations
This error occurred because you provided an incorrect value for the field.
To resolve this error, follow these guidelines -
1. Check if the phone number provided has the correct number of digits
2. Ensure that the phone number is in the correct format based on the country.
3. Remove any additional characters such as dashes, parentheses, spaces, or symbols.
Try entering the phone number again and ensure that it is in the correct format.
Acceptable format = [+][country code][area code][local phone number]
For Example,
Phone number = 489-6789 | Mobile Number = 94xxxxxxx9
Country = United States | Country = United States
Country Code = 1 | Country Code = 1
Area Code = 236 |
Valid number = +12364896789 | Valid number = +194xxxxxxx9
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