Airtable Errors
Troubleshoot and fix errors that appear in your automations
This error occurs when the user has mapped options which are not present in airtable for selected fields. To avoid this select options from the dropdown or map options which do exist in the airtable field.
This error occurs when the user has provided invalid format for a date field.
The acceptable date format as provided by Airtable is : yyyy-MM-dd.
Valid Date:- 2022-06-20
This error occurs because the ID provided was not valid or found in Airtable.
To avoid this error, the user must map a valid ‘ID’. this can be done by either selecting from a dropdown menu or map from a relevant preceding step that provides the required ID.
1. When selecting from a dropdown.
2. When mapping from a preceding step.
If you are updating an existing record, then you need to insert a ‘search ID’ step before the ‘update record’ step.
To create a search action follow the below steps:-
1. Go to Integrately and and select Airtable and a another app.
2. Select the trigger and action as “update record in Airtable”.
3. Select the connection for app used for trigger.
4. Map the connection data for the trigger app.
5. Select the connection for Airtable.
6. Map the value for Base Id and Table name from drop down.
7. Once on the Integration page click on Modify Condition And Action
8. Then hover on Add Filter/Condition/App and click on Add App
9. Select Destination app as Airtable and Action as Search Record.
10. Map The Value for Search Field and map “Search in which field?” as id from Airtable.
11. Then add a filter after the search record in Airtable. Set field as Record Id and condition as Exists and click on test and continue
This error occurs when the provided table is invalid or table ID could not be found. In order to avoid this, you need to select the ‘Table Name’ from the drop down menu.
This error occurs in either of the 2 situations -
1. Server is down, OR
2. Temporary network issue.
To resolve this error, try submitting your request again after some time.
This error occurred because you provided an incorrect value for the field.
To resolve this error, follow these guidelines -
1. Check if the phone number provided has the correct number of digits
2. Ensure that the phone number is in the correct format based on the country.
3. Remove any additional characters such as dashes, parentheses, spaces, or symbols.
Try entering the phone number again and ensure that it is in the correct format.
Acceptable format = [+][country code][area code][local phone number]
For Example,
Phone number = 489-6789 | Mobile Number = 94xxxxxxx9
Country = United States | Country = United States
Country Code = 1 | Country Code = 1
Area Code = 236 |
Valid number = +12364896789 | Valid number = +194xxxxxxx9
This error occurs because the table does not exist or you manually entered the table name.
To avoid this error,
You must map the Table Name
from the drop-down list only.
This error occurred because you manually entered the view name.
To avoid this error, you must map the View
from the drop-down list only.
This error occurred because you provided an incorrect value for the field.
To resolve this error,
1. Please select a value from the dropdown list
2. Go to your Airtable account and create a new ‘Base’.
Come back to Integrately and click on Refresh fields and then select that particular Base from the dropdown list.
This error occurred because you provided an incorrect value for the field.
To overcome this error, please modify your flow to be like -
Step 1 - Trigger
Step 2 - Add Search contact by email
action and use the ‘email address’ from the incoming record in step 1 and test it.
Step 3 - Add a condition - 'ID' = 'exists'
If you find an ID as a result of step 2, it means this email address is already present. You can now proceed to Update it.
Step 4 - Add Update contact
action, map the ID found as a result of the previous step and then re-activate your flow.
This error occurs in either of the 2 situations -
1. Manually entering the value,
2. Mapping an incorrect value.
To resolve this error, you must map a value from the drop-down list only.
This error occurs in either of the 2 situations -
1. Manually entering the view name,
2. Mapping an incorrect view name
To resolve this error, you must map a view name from the drop-down list only.
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