CPI (Cost-Per-Install) Calculator

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Total Measured Installs
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The CPI calculator is a great way to get an idea of how much you can expect to spend on each app install. Use it to ensure that you're not overspending on marketing.

How to calculate CPI (Cost Per Install)

CPI (Cost Per Install) Formula

Cost Per Install =Total Amount Spent
Total Measured Installs


  • Cost Per Install: The amount of money spent to acquire each app installation.
  • Total Amount Spent: The total sum of all costs incurred in acquiring app installations.
  • Total Measured Installs: The number of app installations
online Cost Per Install Calculator

What Does CPI (Cost Per Install) Mean?

CPI, or Cost Per Install, is a pricing model used in the mobile app industry.

With CPI pricing, the advertiser pays for every installation of an app resulting from the ad campaign.

It is a variation of the CPA ad pricing model, where the advertiser pays for every action taken (in this case, app installation).

For Example, if an advertiser spends $10 on a CPI ad campaign and 10 people install the app, then

CPI = $10= $1

Why is CPI (Cost Per Install) a valid metric?

CPI is a metric that indicates how much it costs to acquire a new user through an advertising campaign.

It is considered valid because it measures the amount spent to get a new user, which is ultimately the goal of any ad campaign.

How to reduce CPI (Cost Per Install)?

There are a few things you can do to lower your CPI like :

  • Right advertising channels: Figure out where your target audience hangs out, and advertise there.
  • Tighten up your targeting: Target users who are likely to install your app.
  • Use creative and compelling ad copy: Make your ads stand out so that there are high chances of people clicking on it.
  • Valuable app: Offers something people want or need.
  • Track Installs: Track your installs and adjust your campaigns accordingly.
  • Analyze: Use analytics to figure out what’s working and what’s not.
  • Offers: Free trials/ discounts/ trials entice users to install an app.
  • Integrate with other platforms: Integrate your app with other platforms (like Facebook) to reach a larger audience.
  • Use social media: Promote your app on social media websites to increase your reach

However, CPI is just one aspect of app marketing and should not be the only metric you focus on.

Many other factors need to be considered when trying to increase app installs such as :

  • Quality of your app,
  • User experience, and
  • Marketing strategy.

Now that you understand CPI, you can use the CPI calculator to estimate how much it will cost for each app install.

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