Kanban Tool + Float Integration

Connect Kanban Tool to Float in 1 click

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Popular Kanban Tool + Float Workflows

Kanban Tool + Float Integration

Create Float project from new Kanban Tool task

Have you ever wished you could track your time more easily when working on projects? If so, this automation is for you!

With the help of this automation, you can create a project in Float when a task is created in Kanban Tool. You'll then be able to see exactly how much time you're spending on each task and optimize your workflow accordingly.

This Kanban Tool - Float integration is a great way to stay on top of your time and increase your productivity. So what are you waiting for? Activate it today!
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Kanban Tool + Float Integration

Create Float timeentry for new Kanban Tool task

If you use Kanban Tool to manage your projects, there's an easy way to track time spent on each task. Just create a task in Kanban Tool, and then create a timeentry in Float for that same task.

But this automation takes things a step further. It brings Kanban Tool and Float together as one so that each task has an automatic timeentry in Float.

Setting up this automation will save you time and make it much easier for you to keep track of your projects and how much time you're spending on each task. Give it a try!
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Kanban Tool + Float Integration

Create Float project from new Kanban Tool board

If you're using Kanban Tool to manage your projects, you'll want to make sure your Float account is set up correctly. Because tracking time for your projects is a critical part of keeping your business efficient and profitable.

this Kanban Tool - Float integration will ensure that all of your time tracking data is properly synced between the two platforms. So, whenever you create a new board in Kanban Tool, a corresponding project will be created in Float.

Thus, you'll be able to keep track of your project progress and time usage with ease!
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Kanban Tool + Float Integration

Create Float task for new Kanban Tool task

Kanban Tool is a great way to keep track of your projects and tasks. But what if you want to link your Kanban Tool tasks to a specific task in Float?

Using this Kanban Tool - Float integration, you can do just that! With just a few simple steps, you can connect your Kanban Tool tasks with Float and start tracking your time spent on each individual task.

So why not give it a try today? You may be surprised at just how useful this integration can be!
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  • 1of1

Create Your Own Kanban Tool & Float Integration Without Any Code

Create Custom Workflow
Kanban Tool + Float Integration
  • Kanban Tool
    Task is created in Kanban Tool
  • Kanban Tool
    Task is moved in Kanban Tool
  • Kanban Tool
    Task is updated in Kanban Tool
  • Kanban Tool
    Task is archived in Kanban Tool
  • Kanban Tool
    Checklist item is created in Kanban Tool
  • Kanban Tool
    Board is created in Kanban Tool
  • Kanban Tool
    Swimlane is created in Kanban Tool
  • Kanban Tool
    Card type is created in Kanban Tool
  • Kanban Tool
    Workflow stage is created in Kanban Tool
  • Kanban Tool
    Comment is created in Kanban Tool
  • Kanban Tool
    Activity is created on board in Kanban Tool
  • Float
    Task is created in Float
  • Float
    Logged time is created in Float
  • Float
    Logged time is updated in Float
  • Float
    Person is created in Float
  • Float
    Project is created in Float
  • Float
    Client is created in Float
  • Float
    Time off is created in Float
  • Float
    Department is created in Float
  • Kanban Tool
    Create task in Kanban Tool
  • Kanban Tool
    Move task in Kanban Tool
  • Kanban Tool
    Delete task in Kanban Tool
  • Kanban Tool
    Search task in Kanban Tool
  • Kanban Tool
    Get task details in Kanban Tool
  • Kanban Tool
    Archive task in Kanban Tool
  • Kanban Tool
    Update task in Kanban Tool
  • Kanban Tool
    Create checklist item in Kanban Tool
  • Kanban Tool
    Complete checklist item in Kanban Tool
  • Kanban Tool
    Delete checklist item in Kanban Tool
  • Kanban Tool
    Create comment in Kanban Tool
  • Float
    Create task in Float
  • Float
    Search task in Float
  • Float
    Update task in Float
  • Float
    Create project in Float
  • Float
    Search project in Float
  • Float
    Create logged time in Float
  • Float
    Update logged time in Float
  • Float
    Search logged time in Float
  • Float
    Create client in Float
  • Float
    Create time off in Float
  • Float
    Create person in Float
  • Float
    Create milestone in Float
  • Float
    Create department in Float
3x-10x Less Expensive Than Popular Alternatives
Popular Alternative
750 Tasks
in $19.99
2,000 Tasks
in $19.99

Integrate Kanban Tool & Float In 1 Click
And Save Time & Money Both

Integrately makes automation accessible to everyone with features like ready 1-click automations, text-to-automation AI, and a guided automation setup process (Guided UI). If you still need help, our 24/5 live chat support has got you covered. So why wait? Sign up for your free plan and automate now!

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